The fork is, well, a fork. But inside it has a capacitive
sensor that knows how long it has been since you have taken your last
bite. Say you take a bite of that piece of fish, chew it and then go for
another bite within 10 seconds. The fork will know that and gently
vibrate to tell you have been eating too fast.
Eating too fast leads to poor digestion and poor weight control. The HAPIfork, powered by Slow Control, is an electronic fork that helps you monitor and track your eating habits. It also alerts you with the help of indicator lights and gentle vibrations when you are eating too fast. Every time you bring food from your plate to your mouth with your fork, this action is called: a "fork serving".
The HAPIfork also measures:
The HAPIfork also measures:
- How long it took to eat your meal.
- The amount of "fork servings" taken per minute.
- Intervals between "fork servings".
This information is then uploaded via USB or Bluetooth to your Online Dashboard on to track your progress. The HAPIfork also comes with the HAPIfork and apps plus a coaching program to help improve your eating behavior.
You can now buy it online on Amazon
Thankyou cnet & abcnews for providing us with this information. And special thanks to HAPIfork for making an Intimate object judge me while eating as if my wife was not enough.
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